Saturday 10 October 2015

Charlotte Comment

If you're looking for an anime to watch maybe to just get some light feels, Charlotte's a good anime.

I'd say, the first four or five episode were plain to me. Nothing attracted me except for the animation and style. The reason I kept watching was that my friend told me the later episodes were really surprising. So, why not?

I continued and I started to like it.

It started to get deeper into the plot.

In my opinion, it got really slow. They took their time in the first few episodes, really. I mean, that's just how I feel. Like, if you know what happened, maybe you'd think the same as me. They could've gotten into the plot faster and produced a better ending.

The way the ended it was another matter, of course.

The ending, the one we all had anticipated for, failed.


How could Shun and friends even find Yu when they've never contacted him or tried to locate him? Or, at least, if they did, we weren't shown. And that helicopter ride, it's just really. Really. Sudden. Too sudden, for my liking. Okay, maybe the POLICE word on the helicopter was to tell the audience they had asked for the police to help find 'missing' Yu. But, we were never informed. Thus, invalid.

Ugh, really, it's okay actually.

I'm just so pissed off that such a good anime with quality animation and art had such a poor ending. 

I mean, really, it would've been more realistic if he ignored the word card memory lane and became an evil person. But that would be too OP, wouldn't it? Right.

Ah, wells. It's always like this. We never get what we want so we complain.

Just saying, these are all my opinions.


Well, for me, I watched Charlotte for their art and animation so, I wouldn't know what would drive you to watch it. Maybe because the studio previously animated Angel Beats? 

All, in all, this proves that my review isn't as informative as other reviews. I will improve soon, no worries.

Well, from what I thought...

It would've been nice if we had more insight on the other characters other than mainly, Yu. Like Tomori, Takajo, even Yusarin. But, we can't have it all can we?

What I have to say is:

Charlotte's an anime you won't regret watching.