This episode starts immediately where we left off from the last.
When Alex finishes singing, Loretta approaches her and offers her a room to stay and talks to her about her mother. Her mother was a prostitute until her father married her after love at first sight. She died a vain death after birth.
Next, we see Ivan Glaziev, apparently one of the people behind the Anti-Twilight movement.
A commotion starts when Ivan takes out a bloody handkerchief which triggers one of his victim's father to act violently. Then the pair (Erica and Mikhail) that's been killing Twilights appear.
Erica and Mikhail start to fight with Galahad and Marco, Loretta's main bodyguards while Nicolas and Worick are on their way.
Then Nicolas starts a fight with Erica which reveals her eye colour. She, following Nicolas' theory, is gutsier and highly-skilled compared to her brother, Delico.
So, as we continue, Galahad explains that Nicolas isn't actually considered a level A/0, but currently B/5. These tags are to categorize Twilights according to their physical strength. Nicolas is a 'faker' which means that the level A/0 s acquired by using drugs (Celebrer) to maximize his abilities.
The Paulklee Guild arrives to help after Worick sends a backup signal, which is a red flare. Ginger and Doug arrives and Ginger's tag is finally revealed.
She has S/5.
After that, they fled when the police arrived.
Next scene, we have one of the Four Father waiting for Emilio Benedetto's arrival.