If you've been seeing the craze of Prison School and you're still wondering whether to watch this, try it.
I started watching it out of boredom, just a simple 12-episode anime, what harm could be done?
It started out plain, like a no-plot. But when I continued watching, the plot twists to 'escape'. Basically, Kiyoshi, our main character, has to escape to enjoy a date with Chiyo. After that mini escapade, the Underground Student Council decides to bring matters into their own hands to make all five boys get expelled. So, the drama begins.
Starting from that point, that's when it got more interesting, where there's suspense and drama.
I think most people wouldn't consider this anime based on the lightly-themed sexual content, but in my opinion, that's the aspect which triggers our laughter.
It's comedy, friendship, and just for fun.
Nothing heavy, just a light, simple story.
If you're worried about the sexual content, don't worry. It'll become the usual after two three episodes.