Monday 20 July 2015

Charlotte - Episode 2

In Episode 2, Tomori explains the foundation of the student council and introduces us to some action.

We're given a first case where Yu is involved, as they try to 'capture' another student from another school.

So, the purpose of this particular student council is to avoid anyone holding an ability to be captured by scientists to be experimented on.

That's about it...

But, we're also introduced more about Tomori. She has no friends in school, probably because of her power and also, she only trusts one person. She has a brother who the scientists experimented on and is taking care of him right now. But he lives in a hospital far away.

There's also a new character, which has seriously long hair to legitimately be judged a girl who
pinpoints people's location. Of course, people who have powers.

"To protect those with abilities, a certain individual created the current system."

P.S. OMG, the transition when they introduced the student council room is amazingggg.

That animation though. A-MA-ZINGGG!