Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sword Art Online II Episode 2

This episode starts from within episode 1.

The best sniper in GGO, Sinon.

Not much to say about this episode, I'd say it's still introducing this new sniper. We've been introduced to her character though. She has a sharp sense, sensing the uneasiness when she saw the cloaked man (Behemoth, a hired bodyguard). Also, she doesn't give up when faced with obstacles. 

"In the game, at least be brave enough to run toward the guns and die!"

Then she runs. She runs to a rundown building and aims to snipe him. But he notices. And he fires. Her leg gets shot. But does she stop? No.

"He's strong enough to smile on the battlefield."

She goes downwards fast and aims her sniper right at his head.

"I'll kill him!"

And he goes down with a single shot.

Then, we're back to ALO, with our familiar characters from Season 1.